Monday, October 18, 2010

Why I like being an engineer

12th October 2010
Sometimes it really confuses people that I'm an Engineer, and a gnomish engineer at that! They look at Tauren structures, which are mainly tents and occasionally wooden loghouses and wonder why a Tauren is interested in Engineering. They look at my fingers, which are the size of an average gnome's arm, and wonder how I can do all the fiddly bits.

It's true that Tauren structures are canvas and skins and wood, and not what you might call the cutting edge of technology. But I would like to direct your attention to the lifts that take you alll the way up to Thunder Bluff - and can carry a full-sized Tauren on a full-sized kodo with a heavy load - and the incredibly long bridges between the mesas. The lifts and the bridges required a fair bit of engineering know-how, thank you very much.

I would also like to direct your attention to the Great Lift. It goes even further than the Thunder Bluff lifts and can lift an even greater load. And it never breaks! That required a lot of engineering know-how, too.

So. Just because we Tauren like tents and loghouses, doesn't mean we don't know squat about engineering.

The other question is simple. Gyromatic Micro-Adjusters.

As to why I like being an Engineer... I could go on about how handy and useful and versatile it is, and how I like to get into the nitty-gritty of things and know how something *works* before I press the on switch. Which I guess I just did. But two really big things are:

Teleporters and parachute cloaks.

Who needs arcane magic to teleport around the place, or fall slowly, when technology can do it for you? Certainly not this engineer.

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