Monday, October 18, 2010

Just another heroic face in the crowd

30th September 2010
Sadly I am not the funniest of Tauren, nor the most artistically adept. Neither am I the most powerful of tauren druids, nor the best hunter. I am just another face in the crowd.

But I've faced off against all sorts of nasties and monsters. I've faced the demons of the Burning Legion and the undead shambling horrors of the Scourge. I have even faced the Lich King. (Albiet briefly, then our hastily-assembled party ran even more hastily away from him.) There are some that call me a hero of the Horde.

Me, a hero? Of the Horde? That just makes me all nervous and flustered and embarassed.

Especially given, y'know, the Darker and Edgier way the Horde is going. I thought I was fine with the orcs, but events in Northrend have shown that Thrall is a bit of an exception. That he's a bit of an odd duck amongst the orcs. It's become pretty apparent that your common orc is all about glory and honour through battle and is more likely to look up to Garrosh Hellscream. He makes more sense to them.

Anyway, me being called a hero by a common orc is, well, puzzling and a bit scary. It's not like I take great pleasure in the smashing of things. Unless I'm smashing in demons or the undead. I'm all for the smashing in of demons of the Burning Legion and the undead of the Scourge.

Alright, I must admit I feel a guilty pleasure if I ever have to smash in a dwarf. They're pretty friendly and have great beer, even if it's sometimes pretty hard to tell what the heck they're saying. But the little buggers have to go and dig great big holes in everything. "Important Archaeological Investigation," they call it. Which is fine, but then they go and dig great big holes in sacred Tauren or Orc sites, and then get all upset when we get all upset and things degenerate from there.

But as much as I might enjoy the smashing in of a dwarf, it's not like I go out of my way to find and smash in any dwarves. I'm a modern cosmopolitan Tauren and I can rein in my urges to smash in a dwarf. Especially if we're getting drunk together.

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