Monday, October 18, 2010

In which Donda is annoyed

14th October 2010
I thought I was ready. Turak talked to me about Swipe and my cloth healer bracers, and I was looking forward to not spinning around so much anymore...

...but great googly moogly my moves have been completely changed.

I'd been tanking the same way for three years, and I was fine with it! Then that frigging patch 4.0 hit and now I don't know how to tank anymore. I'm like a frigging warrior. I don't want to be a warrior! If I wanted to be a warrior with their "SUNDERSUNDERSUNDER oh crap everything is on cooldown what do I do now SUNDERSUNDERSUNDER" style then I wouldn't be a druid, I'd be a warrior!

I am going cat, and healer, and NEVER TANKING AGAIN.

...for a given value of "Never". I might learn how to be a kung-fu bear again someday. But in this day and age, where people expect bears to grab everyone's attention with a lot of whirly-whirly Swipe-fests, it will be far too stressful to educate them that, actually, we can't do that anymore.

I'm slightly less annoyed with the changes to my healing spells, though the change to tree form is a sad blow. I liked being a tree and thinking plant-like thoughts. Also, again, I'd been running with my healing spells for three years, and developed all sorts of tricks with them, which no longer apply because Blizzard wants me to be more like a priest.

But I don't want to be like a priest, I want to be my old druidy leafy self!

What is *wrong* with classes that are actually different, instead of classes that do the same thing in different ways? Is it too hard for Blizzard to balance us if we're the former? Bah.

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